Did you know that over the years IHOMSA has raised over £100,000! A fantastic feat I'm sure you'll agree and one which has meant that the charity has contributed to a variety of equipment and facilities that each and every child - past, present and future - benefits from.
Have your say what fundraised money should be spend on and fill in the form!
- Fundraising activities:
- £164.55 - pumpkin competition
- £1,274.95 - break the rules day
- £1,186.26 - break the rules day 2
- £16.13 - Reception cheese and wine night
- £571,28 - Christmas games
- £797,64 - Christmas raffle
- £230.80 - Mother's Day sale
- £1,146.20 - winter disco
- £438.97 - Father's Day sale
- £7,355.42 - Summer Family Night
Total raised: £13,149.94
- Contributions and purchases:
- Reception forest school
- Maths equipment (total £944.92):
- £34.99 - cuisenaire rods YPO
- £734.99 - 21 boxes of numicons for KS2
- £59.98 - blue and red counters
- £59.98 - yellow and red counters
- £59.98 - white and red foam counters
- £29.99 - play money
- £1,145.33 - portable air con units
- £400 - wellies stand for reception children
- £500 - contribution towards end of the year 6 disco
- Future contributions:
- school grounds shade
- building work for a repurposing of a new room from an old classroom and corridor for £3,500 (to be approved)
- support a playground company that set up fun games out of old materials, set up was about £2,500 (to be approved)
- Fundraising activities:
- £299.30 - pumpkin design competition
- £1,551.75 - Break the rules day
- 25th November (Friday) non-uniform day (donations towards Christmas Raffle)
- £721.20 - Christmas Raffle
- £792.57 - 9th December (Friday) Christmas Games Day
- £343.73 - 17th March - Mother's Day stall
- £958.89 - School Disco
- £212.56 - Fashion Night
- £437.06 - Father's Day stall
- £5,360.38 - Summer Family Night
- £1,930 - 100 club
- £136.70 -
- £382.40 - AmazonSmile
Total raised: £13,126.54
- Requests for purchases (in total Miss Clark has asked for £5,560 to fund the below activities):
- £4,500 Forest School - sessions in school as well as equipment to continue to run the sessions solus after training (full detail below).
- £500 Awning for Year 1 – to enable outdoor sessions to be held.
- £560 Storage boxes for lost property and second-hand uniform shop – 2x large boxes, smaller boxes to pack inside and padlocks.
- Future financial contributions (donations Miss Clark has asked for money for the following):
- £3.5k for supporting refurb of the SEN room at school
- £1.1k for topic books for every year group
- request for maths resources for all year groups cuisenaire rods £734.99 (21boxes)
- portable shade for playground eg to cover the kids for sports day
We also discussed resurfacing the playground as the big project - it’s massive, she’s going to get quotes but anticipates c.£90k - so one to discuss supporting and how we balance the smaller contributions with helping towards this.
- Future fundraising activities:
- Autumn 2023 - Menopause/Perimenopause Social Evening, date TBA
Fundraising activity in the 2021-22 school year was again impacted by the effects of Covid-19, limiting the number of events that were able to take place in the early part of the school year.
Money raised:
• £2,762.18 The Christmas activities in school
• £163.50 Christmas Wreath making activity
• £770.44 Mother’s Day stall
• £756.81 Father’s Day stalls
• £1,282.36 ‘Break the Rules Day’
• £1,100.22 The Marathon Challenge in June (including Gift Aid, via JustGiving)
• £5,541.53 Summer Family Night
• £247.73 Amazon Smile
• £462.20
• £306.05 Sainsbury’s collection tins
• £3,124 The 100 Club
Total raised: £15,443.12
Overall, IHOMSA’s net income for the 2021/2022 financial year is very positive at £15,443.12. The year-end balance across all accounts, and subject to reconciliation of the 100 Club draws and payments, was £36,506.37.
Money contributed:
• £1,000 donation to IHOMSCPS for end of school year events activities
Immaculate Heart of Mary School Association Registered Charity Number 1167473