Immaculate Heart Of Mary

Catholic Primary School A Voluntary Academy
Together with Jesus, we love to learn and learn to love.






Thank you to our wonderful school community for making last Friday such a special evening, we hope you agree it was a fabulous success and lots of fun was had by all. We would like to thank all the staff and parent/helper volunteers both on the day/night and the weeks leading up to the event, without you it simply could not happen.

Our Summer Family Night has always been successful from both brining the school community together and a fundraising perspective and this year is no exception – the evening raised £7,355.42 for the school, our highest ever amount! This money goes directly into funds to support the school, thank you to everyone for your ongoing support.

The raffle was equally a huge success, and we thank all the local businesses and parents who donated for their support, as well as those who drummed up the prizes over the past weeks. A reminder to please check the raffle notice and collect your prizes if you have won, and most importantly enjoy them!

5th of July - Summer Family Night

Tickets are now available to purchase for our Summer Family Night on Friday 5th July, from 6pm. Please complete the registration form and select one of the ways to pay for tickets (either sending money into school or via the online payment link). Tickets are £3 per adult, £1 per child and pre-schoolers are free. Immediate family invited.

Calling all volunteers! As you know, these events don’t just happen, we will need people to support in the lead up and throughout the evening in order for us to go ahead (you can choose a slot). Please sign up to volunteer using this form.

Raffle prizes still needed! Can you or your business donate a raffle prize for Family Night? We had some incredible prizes last year including holiday vouchers, family days out, restaurant vouchers to name a few! If you are able to pledge or donate any raffle prizes, please also use the volunteer form above.

Thanks everyone for all your support in making Summer Family Night 2024 a success, see you there!

21st of June - non-uniform day for donations toward Summer Family Night tombolas

In exchange for wearing their own clothes on this day, we will ask that children in KS1 (Reception, years 1 and 2) bring in a tombola gift for a child or adult, and children in KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6) please bring in a bottle of alcohol.


14th of June - Father's Day stall

10th of May - uniform shop

2nd of May - Break the Rules Day

The rules that children in the school council have chosen to be broken are:
1. Wear own clothes
2. Coloured hair (spray/chalk, dye)
3. Wear facepaints/make-up/nail polish
4. Bring a snack, other than fruit, for play-time
5. Bring toy/game (non-electrical) for playtime

Each rule to break costs £1, therefore if you would like to break all the rules please donate £5. Thank you!


25th of April - PTA meeting; North bar (upstairs) @7pm

IHOMSA meeting 25/04/2024


Aileen, Gemma, Lindsay, Kate, Basia, Leonie, Sarah, Miss C, Lauren, Becca



  1. Break the rules day – school council met on Monday – to go in newsletter this week


  1. Fathers day stall – 14th Basia to order – pay on account if possible or let committee know amount when paying. To update noticeboard – Liz? Stall – Kelly, Becca, Sarah


  1. Family night – Friday 5th To start earlier than last year. Raffle tickets need to be done by one person and not complicated with different colours/prizes – use 0’s and 5’s. More hotdogs, more sugar for candyfloss, more ale (brewdog) bought on the night last year. Need more people on the candyfloss stall. Need to buy extra frying machine. Laminated instructions needed for stalls (for people running them). Set up was busy. Y6 enterprise stalls need a week to decide what to do. NB there are 90 y6’s this year. Suggest groups of minimum 5 children to a group and they can rotate between them to allow each child to have some time off to enjoy family night. 28th June non uniform day for prizes. Need to get a link made to send to parents about dates and donations (and asking for help). Need to start asking for raffle prizes (e.g. local businesses etc) quite early. Could also ask businesses to donate money to buy a prize (with a note to say prize donated by xxx). Phase 1 letter re. save the date and asking for prizes. Lauren to draft something and send it round. Sarah H to ask Neil the butcher for prices again. Ticket prices were £2.50 for adults £1 for children, preschoolers free.


  1. Lauren – finance update: £38,917 in account.

Mother’s day generated £1,171.70, spent £940.90 (although prizes left over), net £230.80


  1. Miss Clark - sun shelters – 12x5 meters, options to add on if needed later, £33,000 for one shelter. Aileen to look into costs. Miss C to ask other headteachers if they have any recommendations.


  1. Miss Clark - air con – one unit £5,000. £42,000 for whole top floor, then cost of running and maintaining. Portable units not effective. Possibly Dyson fans could be an option. Trust are looking at green options e.g. solar panel schemes. Agreed to look into buying one Dyson fan – Lauren to speak to her husband about options and look into this- LD sent email to Miss Clark re: quote we have had with a few questions about power source etc.


  1. Miss C – new books needed for library. Not enough copies of some of the most popular books (according to pupil voice). To ask people to donate books with their names in, and/or have a drop-off point at the summer fair. Could ask local businesses. Would also be nice to make book corners/library etc nicer to incentivise children to spend time in them. Could ask local bookshop to advertise the option to buy a book for the school. Other ideas – card machine donations on the path. Matched donations from IHOMSA. To find out more about costs (small-mid-large replenishment).


  1. Miss C- top level of roof being repaired, big contribution coming from school funds (therefore less money for books etc).


  1. Becca – to cross reference parent wish-list.



Easy fundraising – to put info into parent packs for new starters. To also send reminders to parents already at school.

New parents’ evening – uniform shop information to be shared in advance, and uniform shop on the night. IHOMSA to attend on the night. Kasia – tell new parents about signing up for newsletter so that both parents can have access.

Sarah W – is applepay available on school money? Option to also donate £1 or round up to donate to IHOMSA.

Basia – donation to y6 for an end of year outing? Need to know a date for this if happening.

Janette – Christmas cards/tea towels – could sell tea towels to sell at family night. Christmas cards – need to register now, start the process from September, schools get more profit if doing this earlier. Different options as well e.g. tags, main thing is to get the pictures done. Janette to follow up.

Lauren- look into whether we can have a credit card for IHOMSA Virgin Money account payments.





By when

Break the rules day notice to go in this week’s newsletter with ideas from school council, Thursday 2nd May.


Becca and Lauren

Email school office

Friday 26th April

Basia to purchase gifts for Father’s day stall (for 14th June).




Lauren to organise Family night meeting and agenda and to draft phase 1 letter to go out for next week (for sponsors and prizes and date reminder). Look into frying machine.



Message Friday 26th April

Lauren to liaise with Miss C re: air conditioning units and whether we can get portable units.




Aileen to look into shelters and quotes from companies.




Book donation dates to be set for path collections.



Decide on company and book in Christmas card slot



Finalise Virgin Money account access and look into credit card

Lauren, Becca, Sarah, Mark


Year 6 trip- what donation needed and when happening

Becca and Lauren

Email school office



New parents -IHOMSA to attend evening, fundraising to go into packs, singing up for newsletter

Becca and Lauren

Email school office




8th of March - Mother's day stall

31st January 2024 IHOMSA meeting

Present: Becca, Hannah, Kasia, Sarah, Gemma, Kate, Leonie, Sarah
Apologies: Liz, Lyndsey, Janette, Basia, Mark

  • Purchases:
    • Air conditioning units- do they also have heaters? ~£5,500 per unit and need 6 units. School currently obtaining quotes, need a decision on these.
    • No outstanding payments.
    • Chip fryer
    • Sun shade for playground?
  • Plans:
    Easter term approaching:
    • Break the rules day, Friday 9 th February? Can we ask the school committee prior to this?
    • Mother’s day: Friday 8 th March stall, Basia/Hannah purchased the items. Need some more information in the newsletters about the quality of the gifts. Cash needed £3.50.
    • Fashion night: spend less on prosecco, still provide crisps, potential date for March/April.
    • Bingo night?
    • Family night- to confirm around Cardinal Heenan events. (year 5 kids/dads camping 21 st /23 rd June).
    • Christmas cards? To discuss at a later date.
    • Talent show for kids? Parents pay to watch.
  • A.O.B:
    • Uniform swap- going well and being well used. Winter coats for September, but need to communicate with parents prior to this.
    • 100 club- Lauren to liaise with Kiara and re-format spreadsheet, will sort payments once has access to money account.
    • Easyfundraising- how do we receive this back into our account?
    • Forest School- need to know more from school, was mentioned at Governors meeting about the value. Potential to make videos of the children speaking about how much they enjoy when we ask new parents so subsidise.

Next meeting, after Feb half term.


December - Christmas Raffle

Non uniform day of the 1st of December for wine and chocolate donations. 

Chocolate and Alcohol Hamper Draw
Tickets are now on sale for our IHOMSA raffle prizes. There are Wine & Chocolate hampers for EVERY class to be won plus an AMAZING grand prize of an Air Fryer (plus hamper!) kindly donated by Cat Haigh. Entry for the raffle is by donation. To enter, please send money into school in a clearly labelled
envelope stating your name, your child’s name and class and amount. Please ensure you send entries with an adults name on as only adults can be entered for alcohol draws. Please ensure your child's class is on entries for ease of organisation. Entries will close on Friday 15th December.



15th of December 2023 - Christmas Games Day

Christmas is fast approaching and IHOMSA are arranging the legendary Christmas Party Games Day for children throughout the school. In order to run the event, we need lots of volunteers to support – which is where we hope you will come in.

We’re looking for people to volunteer to cover our morning or afternoon sessions on Friday 15th December 2023 – it would be fantastic if you could complete and submit the form below by Friday 8th December so we can make this Christmas magic happen!! If we don't get enough volunteers, unfortunately we wont be able to run the day. 

We will be in touch with all respondents with further details following the submission deadline. 

Thanks for your ongoing support!

Google form


Thursday 7th of December 2023 - Christmas disco

DATE:    Thursday 7th December 2023
TIME:     3.30pm-4.30pm Reception & KS1  
               4:45pm-5:45pm KS2 (Y3,4,5,6)
VENUE: The School Hall
Entry for the disco is £3.50 per child (includes drink).  Cash payments can be sent into school in an envelope as normal, or you can pay using the below link or QR code. (n.b. online payment is 1 per child)


1. click on link
2. go to 'pay as guest'
3. put your child's name in the section where it says 'your name'
4. choose payment method to complete payment
Please also fill out the the below form, (1 per child) stating who will accompany your child to the disco. 
Closing date for registration is Monday 4th December. No tickets will be issued, instead there will be a list on the door.  All who purchase a ticket will be allocated a space.
For Reception and KS1 - please collect your child as normal at home time, then make your way to the disco. Please notify your class teacher if your child is being collected by another adult. 
After School Club
If your child is attending the R&KS1 disco and therefore NOT attending ASC on this day, please notify ASC. If you wish for them to go to ASC after the disco at 4:30pm, please notify ASC of these arrangements.

If your child is attending ASC and then going to the KS2 disco, they must be collected by an adult from ASC, then taken to the disco. (n.b. staff from ASC will NOT be at the disco, please make arrangements for an adult to accompany your child to the disco)
  • Thursday 7th December will be a non uniform day for the whole school. 
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult to the disco. Adults must stay for the duration of the disco.
  • There will be refreshments on sale for the adults (tea, coffee, snacks and soft drinks - cash or card accepted)
  • Entry to the disco is via the small hall on the playground - please do not go through the office.
  • Please note KS2 children are not permitted to use mobile phones or take photos/videos at the disco.

Thank you all for your continued support.



Friday 1st of December - non-uniform day (raffle donations)

For children in Reception and Key Stage 1, please bring in a box of chocolate / treat donation and all children in Key Stage 2 please bring a bottle.



Thursday 19th of October 2023 - pumpkin competition

We are inviting the children to draw their own pumpkin designs on the A4 pumpkin sheet that has been provided to children. There is a £1.00 entry fee and all entries for the competition need to be in school by Monday 23rd October and will be judged that day by the school council. Please ensure your child’s name and class are placed on the back of the entry.
The School Council will be selecting the best designs and prizes will be given to the winner prior to the end of term.
We are looking forward to seeing all of the children’s fabulous designs - have fun! :)

Congratulations to the winners!!!


Wednesday 4th of October 2023 - cheese&wine night for reception parents

A lovely evening with reception parents welcome to IHOM followed by an introduction to the IHOMSA-PTA.




Thursday 28th of September 2023 - Break the rule day

There will be an ever popular IHOMSA "Break the Rules Day" this Thursday 28th September. Our school Council have finalised the set of rules that the children can break on Thursday:
1. Wear your own clothes
2. Bring a snack of your choice for playtime
3. Wear hair spray/nail varnish
4. Bring a toy to play with at playtime (not electricals and children will be responsible for looking after their own toys)
5. Line up in any order for the day.
The children can break as many of the rules that they choose to and each rule to break will cost £1.  All funds raised will be supporting the IHOMSA projects this year.

Thursday 14th of September 2023 - AGM meeting

Please join us for Annual General Meeting which will take place in the school hall at 6:30pm. If you have any spare time, ideas you would like to share, it would be great to have you there. There is no commitment to come to every meeting (usually happens every 2 months) and no commitment to help. It is a friendly group of parents who want to fundrise to make your children's time at school as fun as possible.



Friday 30th June - Family Night

6.00 - 8.30pm

School Family Night is a celebration for children and their families of the school year, with fun stalls, some designed and run by our Year 6 children, games, a BBQ and a bar, we cannot wait to see you at the biggest event of the school year!

Family Night Tickets
Tickets for family night cost £2.50 for Adults, £1 for children pre-schoolers are free.

Please complete this form to confirm you will attend family night on Friday 30th June.

Please send your ticket fee into school in a clearly marked envelope with your name and your child's class as reference by Wednesday 28th June. This event is extended to immediate family- please send money for all tickets you have registered for. Your name will then appear on the door.

Family Night Raffle
A huge thank you to the 31 amazing local businesses who have donated incredible raffle prizes. As you can see below, we have a couple of big-ticket items...I'm sure you'll agree, there's something for everyone!

Tickets cost £2 each and will be available to buy on Family Night.

Can't make the night but still want to buy raffle tickets? No problem - we will be selling them on the school path at pick up in the week running up to the big event. Look out for our IHOMSA volunteers and please pay with cash only.


Business Raffle Prize
Armadillo Toy Shop £10 voucher
Capri Roundhay £40 voucher
Chirpy £10 voucher
Christa Physio £65 voucher for myofascia release massage or physiotherapy consultation
Culto Bottle of Fonseca Porto wine
Deliziosa £25 voucher
DriftStop £80 family ticket voucher
El Bareto £40 voucher
Form Bespoke Jewellers £50 voucher for ring clean and polish
Further North Brewery tour for 6 and case of beer
G-Wu 2 x £40 vouchers for either takeaway or restaurant
George & Joseph Cheesemongers £10 voucher
Habito Living £50 Majestic Wines voucher
Haley & Clifford Voucher for coffee & cakes for two
Harewood House Family day pass for 4
Hays Travel (Nick Massingham) £250 Jet2 holiday voucher (T&Cs apply)
Hopscotch Shoes £10 voucher
Karen Brindle Midlife Reset & Weightloss Without Willpower - 90 minute Nutrition & Mindset Zoom session
Katie&May £30 voucher
Little Book Shop £5 voucher
Rebel & Rose Donated gift - headband (value £25)
Refilling Station £10 voucher and 2 books
Rudy Pizza £20 voucher
Silky Comedy Night 4 tickets for Comedy Night on Weds 26 July (worth £48)
Snazzy Cakes by Hayley £30 voucher
Sweet Quarter Sweetie bottle
Tarbetts £20 voucher
Viva Cuba £75.00
Yoga Kula £15 voucher
Zest Beauty Shellac nails voucher
Apex Mortgages and Protection £495 fee waiver for mortgage and/or insurance protection solutions (T&Cs apply)


Non-uniform day, Friday 23rd June

There will be a non-uniform day on next Friday 23rd June in exchange for bringing in an item for the Family Night. Please can pupils in Reception, and Years 1, 2 and 3 bring in a tombola gift for a child or adult and pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6, a bottle of alcohol in exchange for wearing their own clothes on this day.


If you can spare time to help on the night, please fill in this form.

We look forward to seeing you there!

  • 20th April: School Disco; £3.50 (includes Mr Shuffles, drink, treat and light bands) 
  • It is non-uniform for the whole school on Thursday. Children who are attending the disco are welcome to dress in party clothes for the day.
  • Reception and KS1 disco is 3:30pm - 4.30pm. Those children from Reception and KS1 attending the disco will be taken to the school hall by class teachers. Collection is 4:30pm: Year 1 from classroom 1MO and Year 2 from classroom 2FD
  • KS2 disco is 5:00pm to 6:00pm, drop off is through the main door and collection is from the school playground where children will line up.
  • Thank you to everyone who has sent in payment so far. Please can any outstanding ticket payments be sent into school in an envelope labelled with your child's name and class by Weds this week.
  • At the disco there will be sweets for the children. If you do not want your child to have any sweets, please inform the school office.
  • We have had a fantastic response from parents with lots of help offered for both sessions - however not everyone is needed. To make this as fair as possible, we have picked names at random and they will have a text to confirm. If you do not receive a text, you are not needed on this occasion. We would like to thank everyone for their fantastic support.
  • google form


  • 27th April 7-9pm: Fashion Show with Katie and May; £5 (includes a welcome drink and entry into the raffle)

Please register and send your £5 into school in a clearly marked envelope with your name and child’s class.

We really hope you can join us for a brilliant night of fashion, beauty, and prizes – we have a licence so additional drinks will be available to purchase on the night, as will Katie & May clothing – with 10% of all proceeds going to school.

See you there!!










  • 18th May 2023 - IHOMSA meeting at the North Bar  @7pm 
  • 15th June 2023 - IHOMSA meeting at the North Bar (upstairs)  @7pm. This meeting will focus on preparations to Family Night, please feel free to join in.
  • 16th June 2023 - Father’s Day Stall. Please send in £3.50 in an envelope clearly labelled with your child's name and class. 
  • 23rd June 2023 - Non-uniform day for Family Night tombola donations. Reception and KS1 to bring new games and toys, KS2 to bring alcohol.



  • Menopause/Perimenopause Social Evening, date TBA

Immaculate Heart of Mary School Association Registered Charity Number 1167473