'Together with Jesus, we love to learn and learn to love'


Our Vision for PE and Sport

At Immaculate Heart, physical activity and sport are central to our educational ethos. We believe that children who are active and healthy are more likely to be well-motivated, happy children. We aim to deliver a balanced program offering a variety of activities to enhance skills in physical education. Our PE and sport aspires to build self-esteem, teamwork and leadership skills enabling each child to be the best they can be.
We aim to:

  • Develop confidence, skills and knowledge.
  • Pursue excellence.
  • Be proud of our achievements.
  • Promote fair play and respect.
  • Educate children to improve health and wellbeing.
  • Provide quality opportunities for children within and outside of school time.
  • Have fun.

We are very proud that Immaculate Heart has been awarded the Gold Schools Games Mark. The Sainsbury's School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.

Intent, Implementation & Impact

National Curriculum Links

PE Long Term Plan 2023-24

BTPLTP2324.pdf .pdf

Key Stage Progression Map Overview

KS1 Skills Progression Map.docx .docx
KS2 Skills Progression Map.docx .docx
LearningSequenceDoc.pdf .pdf

Extra Curricular Sports Clubs 2023-24

Girls Football (Year 6)

Boys Football (Year 6)

Cross Country (KS2)

Netball (Year 5 & 6)

Table Tennis (Year 3)

Badminton (Year 4)

Tchoukball (Year 5)

Go Kart Football (Year 6)

Kinball (Year 5)

Dance (Year 4)

Basketball (Year 4)

*this list may be updated throughout the year.

KS2 Individual Activity Skill Progression Maps

Athletics Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Basketball Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Cricket Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Dodgeball Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Football Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Gymnastics Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Hockey Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Netball Progression Map.pdf .pdf
Rugby Progression Map.pdf .pdf