Immaculate Heart Of Mary

Catholic Primary School A Voluntary Academy
Together with Jesus, we love to learn and learn to love.


'Together with Jesus, we love to learn and learn to love'

Our Vision for PE and Sport

At Immaculate Heart, physical activity and sport are central to our educational ethos. We believe that children who are active and healthy are more likely to be well-motivated, happy children. We aim to deliver a balanced program offering a variety of activities to enhance skills in physical education. Our PE and sport aspires to build self-esteem, teamwork and leadership skills enabling each child to be the best they can be.
We aim to:

  • Develop confidence, skills and knowledge.
  • Pursue excellence.
  • Be proud of our achievements.
  • Promote fair play and respect.
  • Educate children to improve health and wellbeing.
  • Provide quality opportunities for children within and outside of school time.
  • Have fun.

We are very proud that Immaculate Heart has been awarded the Gold Schools Games Mark. The Sainsbury's School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.

Intent, Implementation & Impact


Why we have made the choices and decisions we have in designing our curriculum

At Immaculate Heart we believe it is important to create a supportive environment where all children are accomplished, considerate and physically active for sustained periods of time. To develop the school’s core values through physical education (PE) whilst promoting positive emotional and social wellbeing.

Through high-quality teaching, we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum through a holistic scheme of learning. We aim to encourage and motivate all children to develop their full potential through a wide range of physical activities. This challenging yet supportive environment will develop their cognitive skills; provide an equal opportunity for all children to partake in physical education, school sports and physical activity (PESSPA); develop an understanding of the benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle now and in later life; promote the development of our core social values (courage, wisdom, respect, patience, resilience, generosity, honesty); heighten self-esteem and develop emotional and social wellbeing amongst all children.


How subject is taught in our school

Through the delivery of our non-sport specific scheme of learning, the children will engage in high quality activities that will engage all to have success and master fundamental skills. They will have opportunities to work independently and collaboratively, sharing ideas, strategies and feedback. The children will have opportunities to progress their learning at their own level using the STEP principal, whilst this learning will be assessed using effective AfL strategies, including high-quality questioning. The development of our children through PE goes beyond physical skills and attributes enabling them to grow socially and cognitively as well.

Pupils participate in two high quality PE lessons each week, covering two learning themes every half term. In addition, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities that are offered during lunchtime and after school. As well as traditional clubs like football, the school also focuses on non-traditional sports such as: tchoukball, kinball, archery, table tennis, badminton, basketball and go-kart football in order to attract the widest range of participants. In addition to intra-school activities, pupils also have access to a wide range of inter-school activities. These are in the form of competitive leagues or cups (football, netball, rugby, dodgeball) as well as non-competitive come and try events which focus purely on participation (ice-skating, go-karting, BMX, OAA). Targeted activities and clubs are also run for pupils throughout KS1 and KS2, who have been identified as requiring further support, confidence or opportunity. In year 5, the pupils swim once a week for 30 weeks.

Each year, children in year 5 apply to become Sports Leaders for the school. A small group are provided with training and develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with lunch-time clubs, our annual sports day and any other sporting activities.

PE is an important driver of the schools core values (courage, wisdom, respect, patience, resilience, generosity, honesty) and hence are at the forefront of all that we teach. After every PE lesson a star of the week trophy is awarded to a girl and boys who has best demonstrated these virtues during the lesson.


At Immaculate Heart, we ensure that our PE curriculum is inclusive and progressive and allows all children the opportunity to acquire, develop and master fundamental skills, gain knowledge and understanding of key concepts and provide opportunities to foster a life-long love and participation in physical activity and sport. The school’s core values (courage, wisdom, respect, patience, resilience, generosity, honesty) are also at the forefront of our teaching and displayed by the children in all activities. The school was proud to be awarded The Gold School Games Mark in 2022.

National Curriculum Links

PE Long Term Plan 2023-24

Showing 1-1 of 1

Key Stage Progression Map Overview

 KS1 Skills Progression Map.docxDownload
 KS2 Skills Progression Map.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Extra Curricular Sports Clubs 2023-24

Girls Football (Year 6)

Boys Football (Year 6)

Cross Country (KS2)

Netball (Year 5 & 6)

Table Tennis (Year 3)

Badminton (Year 4)

Tchoukball (Year 5)

Go Kart Football (Year 6)

Kinball (Year 5)

Dance (Year 4)

Basketball (Year 4)

*this list may be updated throughout the year.

KS2 Individual Activity Skill Progression Maps

 Athletics Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Basketball Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Cricket Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Dodgeball Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Football Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Gymnastics Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Hockey Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Netball Progression Map.pdfDownload
 Rugby Progression Map.pdfDownload
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